FM Expanders » FM Expanders std
FM Expanders std
You will find our standard box FM Band Expanders smaller with a stronger more stable signal than others in the market.
The box dimensions are 32mm x 22mm Depth 18mm.
The range available in our standard box FM Band Expanders is:
10Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 10 or 20Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 88-108.
12Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 12 or 24Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 88-108.
12.2Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 12.2 or 24.4Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 88-108.
14Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 14 or 28Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 88-108
14.5Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 14.5Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 90.5-104.5
15.5Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 15Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 91.5-105.5
16Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 16Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 92-106.
16.1Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 16.1Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 92.1 to 106.1.
18Mhz- this will shift the frequency by 18Mhz.
This will cover radio stations 94-108.